Dec 23, 2021OFFSETS THE CO² EMISSIONS OF ITS VEHICLES WITH COFFEE FEET! SMILE CR operates in the transportation of biological materials in the Costa Rican territory. Passing on our know-how in the highly...
Dec 21, 2021MORE COLLECTIONS, MORE ROUTESSince January 30th, in order to better respond to the needs of our customers, Smile CR offers the same collection in Guanacaste on...
Aug 23, 2021TRAINING FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF CATEGORY B BIOLOGICAL MATERIALSIn January of this year, companies in the French West Indies trusted SMILE FRANCE to train their teams. Thanks to : SYNERGIBIO JOPOLO...
Aug 16, 2021The latest communication from SMILE CR.Hello, I am pleased to send you the latest communication from SMILE CR. Thanking you in advance for your careful reading. Remaining at...
Aug 14, 2021Smile CR authorized by the Ministry of Health of Costa RicaC'est avec un grand plaisir que nous vous annonçons que depuis le 12 mai 2020, SMILE CR est approuvé par le Ministère de la Santé du Costa
Aug 12, 2021SMILE's Life From January 1 To March 16, 2020En el tercer día de este recorrido, tuvimos el gran placer de transportar nuestra primera muestra confiada por el Laboratorio Navarro y Alpi
Aug 10, 2021From SMILE FRANCE to SMILE COSTA RICASMILE CR leur permet de rejoindre la Capitale le jour même de la collecte avec une traçabilité physique totale et une gestion de la températ